Liberian Cassava Leaf Recipe

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Liberian Cassava Leaf Recipe.

Liberian Cassava Leaf Soup holds a cherished place in Liberian culinary culture, celebrated for its rich taste and nourishing elements. Crafted from cassava leaves, this soup embodies a blend of flavors and textures that captivate the palate. Here’s a glimpse into its traditional preparation:


  • Cassava leaves
  • 1 pound of assorted meats or chicken
  • A handful of dried fish
  • Onion, hot pepper, maggi cube, and assorted seasonings
  • 1 to 2 cups of palm oil


  1. Begin by thoroughly washing the cassava leaves, then finely pound them in a mortar.
  2. In a cooking pot, combine the pounded leaves with chopped onion, hot pepper, maggi cube, and seasonings. Stir well to incorporate the flavors.
  3. Introduce the dried fish or meat into the pot, along with water. Allow the mixture to boil for approximately one hour, ensuring to replenish water if needed until it slightly reduces.
  4. Incorporate the palm oil into the pot and stir thoroughly. Let the soup simmer over low heat for about 10 minutes.
  5. Serve the hearty Liberian Cassava Leaf Soup alongside rice for a delightful culinary experience.

Liberian Cassava Leaf Soup is revered for its robust taste and wholesome ingredients, making it a favored choice for gatherings and special occasions. Its comforting allure and nutritional value continue to enchant food enthusiasts worldwide.

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