Liberia Population

Liberia is located on the west coast of Africa, bordered by Sierra Leone to the northwest, Guinea to the north, and Ivory Coast to the east. It also has a coastline along the Atlantic Ocean to the south and southwest. Here are some key geographical features and regions of Liberia:

  1. Coastline: Liberia boasts about 579 kilometers (360 miles) of coastline along the Atlantic Ocean. This coastal area includes sandy beaches, lagoons, and mangrove swamps.
  2. Interior: The interior of Liberia is characterized by dense tropical rainforests, rivers, and rolling hills. The country’s terrain becomes increasingly rugged as it extends inland from the coastal areas.
  3. River Systems: Liberia is intersected by several major rivers, including the St. Paul, St. John, and Cestos rivers. These waterways serve as important transportation routes and sources of freshwater.
  4. Montserrado County: This is home to Liberia’s capital city, Monrovia, which is located on the country’s western coast. Monrovia is not only the political and economic hub of Liberia but also the largest city in the country.
  5. Grand Bassa County: Situated to the east of Montserrado County, Grand Bassa County is known for its significant port city, Buchanan, and its role in Liberia’s shipping and trade industries.
  6. Nimba County: Located in the northern part of Liberia, Nimba County is known for its rich iron ore deposits and mining activities. It shares a border with Ivory Coast and Guinea.

As for population, Liberia had an estimated population of around 5 million people as of the last available data. However, it’s important to note that accurate population figures can be challenging to obtain due to factors such as limited infrastructure, ongoing demographic changes, and historical challenges with data collection.

The population of Liberia is diverse, consisting of numerous ethnic groups, including the indigenous Kpelle, Bassa, Gio, and Krahn, among others. Additionally, there are small communities of Lebanese, Indian, and other expatriate groups in Liberia, contributing to its cultural diversity.
