Firestone Liberia and Children’s Surgery International Conclude 87 Surgical Procedures

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Firestone Liberia and Children’s Surgery International Conclude 87 Surgical Procedures.

Firestone Liberia LLC, in collaboration with Children’s Surgery International (CSI), has successfully concluded a one-week surgical mission at the Firestone Medical Center in Duside, Margibi County. The mission resulted in life-changing surgeries for 87 patients aged between 0 and 20, addressing various general pediatric conditions.

During the mission, the medical team also conducted training sessions for the staff at the Firestone Medical Center, aimed at enhancing their skills and capabilities in delivering medical care effectively.

From January 22 to January 25, surgeries were performed on conditions such as imperforate anus, hernias, and hypospadias, all provided at no cost to the children and their families.

Laura Koppel, head of the CSI mission, expressed delight in being able to provide free medical care to Liberia’s children once again. She reiterated CSI’s commitment to assisting Liberian children with essential surgeries and offering free training to medical staff at Firestone Hospital and other facilities.

Children’s Surgery International is a nonprofit organization comprising volunteer American doctors and healthcare providers who offer free surgical services for children in need. The group partners with local hospitals and conducts surgical mission trips to impoverished regions worldwide.

Since first partnering with Firestone Liberia in 2010, CSI has continuously supported Liberia, except during the Ebola epidemic and the COVID-19 pandemic, providing free surgical operations to over 900 children.

The partnership between Firestone and CSI underscores the company’s dedication to ensuring access to essential life needs, including medical care, and improving the well-being of its employees, their dependents, contractors, and residents within the concession area.

At the closing ceremony on January 27, Firestone’s Medical Director, Dr. Benedict Wollor, expressed gratitude to CSI for their annual visit and provision of essential medical care for children. He emphasized Firestone Medical Center’s commitment to delivering vital medical services to its employees and the wider community.

CSI’s 13th mission to Liberia commenced with community outreach activities, including visits to the C.H. Rennie Hospital in Kakata and donations of essential medical supplies. The team also visited orphanages and schools, distributing supplies and deworming medications to over 7000 children.

Local medical staff, such as Esther Russell Assaf, praised the training provided by CSI, stating that it broadened their knowledge and enhanced their ability to manage medical conditions effectively, even with limited resources.

Mary G. Matala, whose son underwent surgery during the mission, expressed gratitude to Firestone Liberia and CSI for resolving her son’s health issue. She praised the organizations for providing the surgeries free of charge and hoped for the continuation of such missions in Liberia to assist other children in need.

The CSI team comprised 25 medical staff, including specialized doctors, surgeons, pediatricians, and nurses. During their 12th mission to Liberia last year, the team provided free medical care to 80 Liberian children and administered deworming medication to over 4000 individuals, mainly children.

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